owned this note
# :zap: CaaS Cooperator's Onboarding Protocol [Read part 2 here](https://notepad.diglife.coop/s/rJw_XXpFE#) [Read part 3 here](https://notepad.diglife.coop/geKWQotSSDO400n6zGGg_w) ## What this is Your community or organization has seen a glimpse of _Cooperation as a Service (CaaS)_ that we're building in the [_Digital Life Collective_](https://diglife.com). You and your collaborators are curious, but not yet ready to pull your entire organisation into the fast-moving experimental space of the Collective (though you *can* do that: just have everyone [join us](https://diglife.com/join-us/)). You want a way to try out working with the Collective with a small cohort of people. **Here's how to get started:** ![](https://notepad.diglife.coop/uploads/upload_4828c016a242f94203a69123328fc298.png) ## Getting started ### :one: Let us know you're interested. Pick one or two representatives and either come let us know on [one of our open Community Calls](https://diglife.com/community-calendar/), [email us](mailto:info@diglife.com) to set up a call, or [join the Collective](https://diglife.com/join-us/?video=001) as individuals and let us know in any of the channels in our member chat space. ### :two: Define your most pressing needs. After beginning the conversation with y/our Collective CaaS team, you'll have a working document listing the steps that your group will have to activate CaaS for your team. You'll also likely want to define a delegation of 5-20 people who are your community coordinators to test out - and help set up - your space. As your delegates explore, please also list a summary of your group needs and possible options you see in our Collective that would most benefit them. ### :three: Use our services in a way that works for you. The CaaS tools and processes we are developing are made to do real work with real challenges. Your delegate team could decide on a piece of existing work to do together, or could choose to define a scope of learning and use the tools in that learning cohort. If you want help shaping this, or defining the best way to use your initial time in the Collective spaces, feel free to let us know in our [CaaS Support Channel](https://chat.diglife.coop/friends/channels/caas-help-desk). ### :four: Offer your feedback. Like most things in the Collective, your delegate experience and possible Partner space will be shaped by the thought you put in, as well as the tools and services we have to give. The more you can co-create with the available team from the Collective, the more tailored your new collaboration space will be. ### :five: Define next steps for your group. If you capture your feedback and process of learning as you go, you should end up with a summary of what your delegation finds here, some FAQs, and a clear idea of what next steps would be most beneficial to the work and learning your larger group is doing together. When you are ready for our feedback on that, or to get rolling with your larger group, again, please let us know in the [CaaS Support Channel](https://chat.diglife.coop/friends/channels/caas-help-desk). ***Please be aware that any group using our tech services will be required to have, and enforce, a code of conduct compatible with the [Collective’s CoC](https://diglife.com/code-of-conduct/). The CoC should follow best practice for such things, including specifying who incidents should be reported to and what the process will be when things are reported.*** ### Other Tools Great ideas spread best when small bridges of only a few people form the common link between two groups. This is due to the dynamics of groups and leadership. To explore this concept, play with this "[explorable](https://ncase.me/crowds/)" by Nicky Case. So start the delegation with a few key people who will take the message back to their peers, and have them explore the resources and offer feedback. Then the group can discuss their onboarding strategy. ## _Ready for more? [Read Part 2 here](https://notepad.diglife.coop/s/rJw_XXpFE#)_ :::info ###### tags:`ops` `protocol` `friends` `caas` `diglife` `todo` ###### authors: `christina` `joachim`