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# DigLife General Meeting June 5 2019 ### Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 16:00 UTC _click to see [our schedule in your timezone on our community calendar](https://everytimezone.com/s/9fed2229)_ ![DigLife Logo](https://notepad.diglife.coop/uploads/upload_500b045fbb4ac0711dc7841d0f724d63.png) _Join Digital Life Collective General Meeting at [https://zoom.us/j/2085799929] Video recording: https://youtu.be/CNsGn1KFc5k One tap mobile +3238080455,,2085799929# Belgium +3225884188,,2085799929# Belgium_ _Dial by your location +32 3 808 0455 Belgium +32 2 588 4188 Belgium +1 720 707 2699 US +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 647 558 0588 Canada +65 3165 1065 Singapore +65 3158 7288 Singapore Meeting ID: 208 579 9929 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adAIfct149_ ### :video_camera: Recording ### :ghost: Participants **Chair**: Graham **Facilitation**: Les **Notetaking**: Steve, Christina, Philip **Recording**: Robert B. **Members**: Christina, Joachim, Jim McGee, Jim Whitescarver, Stacey, Gary, Eric, Jerry, Graham, Philip, Roy, Les, Michael, David, Robert, Shaun, Rui, Adrian, John, Colin, Steve, John, Keala ### :soccer: Meeting Protocol We are using a new tool called "TalkTime" to make sure everyone can contribute fairly and the speaking time is evenly balanced (if you do not see TalkTime on the left side, [please click on this link](https://talktime.diglife.coop/diglife)). When you’re not speaking, please keep on mute to minimize background noise. If you’re asked to wrap up by the Chair/ Facilitator, please do. :warning: **If you would like to speak, please click on the **_Raise Hand_** button and wait to be called upon, then unmute yourself.** ### :white_check_mark: Meeting Agenda - [x] Welcome from Chair (Graham) - [x] Check-in (All, 1min each or skip) - _Please give your check-in in one breath._ - [x] Member update - We now have 220 members, and member renewals are upcoming. We are rebooting the email/ member relations tech and will be sending out renewal prompts soon. - We will have different memberships for individuals and organizations - Christina is helping to bring people on board, but we really need help with this and also sys admin. - [x] Cooperation-as-a-Service - [x] [Slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19HS41Lbjb6h3q8AvU5SlsZENcrf8iETMjbt7pznZioI/present) and [Pricing Protocol](https://notepad.diglife.coop/CYNLCZlPQbCmWNl8YrDp4Q) - We are focusing the Collective on allowing collaboration across many networks. - We can make visible the work of many groups collaborating across 21 C challenges, and help their teams cooperate and cross pollinate with other groups - We are intent on bringing in Nora Bateson's work on [warm data](https://internationalbatesoninstitute.org/warm-data/) - As a measure of our success in this context, we are looking at social cohesion (well being) and [symmathesy](https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Symmathesy) & [biosemiotics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosemiotics) - Discussion of Caas in Operations: [CaaS crew channel](https://chat.diglife.coop/ops/channels/caas-crew) - Call to action from Philip for everyone to identify organisations who would benefit from CaaS and could become lead partners. - [x] Open Learning Commons (Robert Best) - Robert has been inspired by this idea of open / peer / co-learning online - The group (mainly DigLife members, but some non-members) has been playing with the CaaS tools and also contributing back, e.g. the Big Blue button in Mattermost. - Join the channel on [our Mattermost here](https://chat.diglife.coop/signup_user_complete/?id=knpiu3c5xjnwjjfznxszgdm4se). - Current topics: systems thinking, metacogs, pair coding, ecosystem mapping - [x] Mapping update - Mapping is an example of something we can offer as part of CaaS, and our core mapper community is working to create a DigLife maps team with clear services that can be part of the CaaS elements. - Robert and Sophia (anyone else?) will be at this summer's dWeb Camp and hope to carry forward the dTech map we started to support the Toronto mesh network community, as well as mesh networks in general. - [x] Other project updates - [x] [Climb DAT Mountain]( https://notepad.diglife.coop/s/H1GZqzgO4) (Eric) - A long-term project exploring the experience of educators and how decentralized services might support their current needs - We're looking at agile approaches — currently using [Taiga](https://taiga.io/) at [agile.diglife.coop](https://agile.diglife.coop) - Check out this article "[Climbing DAT mountain]( https://notepad.diglife.coop/s/H1GZqzgO4)" - [x] Finance Update (Philip, 5mins) - [x] Bookkeeping / Cash on Hand - [x] We just over £6,700 in the bank and the rate that it's going out is just about the same as the speed it's coming in. - [x] Accountants are closing out the year and will be done in the next 4-6 weeks. - [x] Public Engagements Update (Roy) - [x] Website development - We have the start of a new website structure in GRAV. Anyone wanting to get involved, contact Roy. - Our new CMS is [Grav](https://getgrav.org/) - [x] Social media activities / ambassadors - remember we have a Twitter profile. Follows and RTs most welcome :-) [@tech_we_trust](https://twitter.com/tech_we_trust) - [Weeknote template](https://notepad.diglife.coop/FhTJV_QjTaq86diBLmlTUg) - [How to be an ambassador](https://notepad.diglife.coop/s/rJjLpL09V). - [x] AOB - Any Other Business - Jim — Working on a governance system that is [liquid democracy](https://medium.com/organizer-sandbox/liquid-democracy-true-democracy-for-the-21st-century-7c66f5e53b6f) from the bottom-up and trust metric from the top-down. - [ ] Close & Check-out (10mins) - [ ] _what do you need?, what’s confusing?_ - Jim suggested a demo of the portal and showing what it looks like - we should schedule this and record it --- > “It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey. > > The mind that is not baffled is not employed. > > The impeded stream is the one that sings.” > - _**Wendell Berry**_ from [Collected Poems, 1987](https://www.worldcat.org/title/collected-poems-1957-1982/oclc/50753229/editions?editionsView=true&referer=br) --- ### :memo: Meeting Notes Basic notes added to agenda above, longer ones here please. - [ ] While Joachim was presenting the CaaS slide deck, Jerry recommended reading [Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse](https://www.worldcat.org/title/finite-and-infinite-games/oclc/1000453964/editions?referer=di&editionsView=true). - [ ] Note for Joachim from Steve: if decentralisation is decentralization then urbanisation should probably be urbanization. christina: We picked the "s" not "z" in the style guide..given UK base... then my note could be reversed, but Joachim only used an 's' once... I would suggest changing to internationally accepted usage - which is also now acceptable in some UK style guides... - [ ] Privacy protocal for sharing the showcase exploratory maps (H Colin Kilburn) ### :clapper: Actions & Decisions Please record any actions and/or decisions from the meeting; attach names & dates and check off items completed, if possible. - [ ]